About Podcasting with Michael Bird, Head of Audio at HPE
“Podcasting is the antithesis of TikTok. TikTok content is fleeting. You have 30, 60, 90 seconds to say something in an engaging way. With a podcast, you’re basically setting out your stall over a certain period of time, you’re having a long, in-depth conversation.
Podcasting is hard. It’s really easy to start but hard to sustain, particularly if it’s only you doing it. So my advice for starting a podcast is spend some time planning what you’re going to do and how you’ll sustain it”.
The pay-off is massive if you keep going because what you’re essentially doing is you’re building an audience of people who will keep coming back every week [assuming your content is good], you’re building a loyal fanbase. They’ll listen to you for 20 minutes, 40 minutes, an hour. In the world of marketing that is absolute gold dust.”
Michael Bird, Head of Audio at HPE
The discussion covers Michael's diverse career path, transitioning from IT Support Engineer to Marketer and finally to his current role as Head of Audio at HPE.
The conversation explores the role of Podcast Producer.
It provides insights into starting a podcast, including benefits for individuals & companies and some of the ‘wrong’ reasons or expectations when it comes to this endeavour (hint: quick, easy results, going viral overnight).
The episode offers valuable information for those interested in podcasting and in career transitions in the digital media landscape.
Tune in if that’s you!
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